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Nigel Jones


Founder of the health and wellness channel 9KM BY 9AM
Author of “Walking Back To Happiness - The Secret To Alcohol-free  Living & Well-being”.


I have been sober since December 2020, and during that time every single part of my life has dramatically improved, I am now on a mission to share my journey to motivate, educate and inspire as many people as possible to take a break from alcohol and ultimately to live a better life.

I help clients deal with issues such as: Limiting Beliefs, Imposter Syndrome, Catastrophising, Self-doubt, Perfectionism, Victim Mentality, Procrastination, Comparing Yourself, Negative Self-talk, Over Generalisation, Pessimism, Rumination, Fear of Change and FOMO.

I specialise in self-development, motivation, the power of nature for healing, mindfulness, movement, alcohol-free living and habit change. Helping clients hone their values, beliefs and goals to find their purpose, aiding their well-being and self-development

Nigel holds a Diploma in Positive Psychology Coaching – a fully trained and qualified coach with the internationally recognised, double accredited International Coaching Federation and Association for  Coaching AreteWay Coaching Course.  He is an accredited Neuro Linguistic Programming Practitioner and a member of The Association of Neuro Linguistic Programming.

Claire UK

“Really enjoyed my AF coaching sessions with Nigel! I went into the initial session rather sceptical as I had had AF coaching before and was still struggling with the same issues. However, I came out of that session feeling like a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders again! I feel like I am going to break a huge barrier, one that not only impacts on work life but my personal life too. I honestly can’t tell you how much I get from these sessions and Nigel’s passion for AF is highly infectious. Would highly recommend these coaching sessions for anyone needing to deep dive into their relationship with alcohol. His book ‘Walking Back to Happiness’ is packed with helpful and relatable tips and hacks. Would highly recommend Nigel’s coaching sessions.” Claire, UK

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